Friday, July 4, 2008

What We Did on the 4th of July..

The day started out innocent enough...slept past 7 am (major plus for the day), cleaned a few tanks (turtle, fish, bird, geckos....) then schlepped over a wall to the neighbors for a major brawls, meltdowns or otherwise unappealing behavior. The John's (the oldest) cell phone rings and he proceeds to inform me that there are fireworks somewhere down the street according to his friend Shane. I look at him like he's speaking a foreign language and proceed to tell him that's impossible as they are illegal, and if there were any legal ones I surely would have read in the local paper. Now he has the other two going as well as the weekend child I acquire (neighbor) so I agree to drive down and "check this out". Well what do you know, a few streets down they do in fact have a little illegal show going, which surprisingly was rather impressive for non professionals. They almost made it through the whole lot of explosives before the man in blue showed up, and in the spirit of the holiday did not tell them to quit, but rather fininsh them up....everyone was happy, especially since all I heard earlier was "can we go see some fireworks" over and over....time for bed...after some oreos first of course..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's been a few days...

Ok, it's been a few days since I've been here.....but that's because I'm having trouble even scheduling time for the bathroom. Even though camp is a longer day than school, I find that I still don't have enough time to get everything done. From the time they get on the bus I feel like that little hampster on the annoying creaky plastic wheel. I've been going into work the two days I don't normally work to make up for the coming holiday and boy that has really put a crimp in the normal running around/errands...If I ever win the lottery I'm going to get me one of those people who do all the errands for you, problem is I don't seem to be winning any lotteries...and the kids dare to ask me what I do with all my "FREE TIME"......deep breath, must realign my zen.....

Monday, June 30, 2008

First Day of Summer Camp

Well, they all survived there first long day of summer camp.....They're complete toast, marshmallows, barely able to lift their heads to put in dinner requests.....only one has the energy to leave the house on his bike (middle one)...the other two are strangley quiet.....hmmm, wonder if camp beat them tired...ha ha ha

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hours away from summer camp...

Exactly 10 hours until the bus picks them up for camp for the WHOLE day.....not that I'm counting or anything like that...

Remind me why I signed on for this parenting gig...

I need to be reminded why I signed on for this whole parenting gig...the day started with an attempt at serene family time at church......ok, whoever said church was supposed to be uplifting and a positive experience has never brought 3 boys with starts off with the very loud x3 protest that begins with "Do we HAVE to go?????...." followed by whining and flinging of selves on to various pieces of furniture for effect....once they've figured out that there is no compromise here, they drag themselves off like they are going to the execution chair. They flop themselves onto a pew where they proceed to alternate between a semi-upright position and total nap position while conversing in a total Irish whisper......I've gotten really good at not leaving any type of tell-tale marks as I whip them into position and ask them please, please, can't you just behave like those QUIET boys 3 rows behind us.....which usually results in a "yeah, ok mom" complete with the eye roll.....should've just stuck with pets.......