Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Day of School 2009

It's been a long time since I've updated, and I apologize. Things have been crazy. The kids are back in school, and hockey is in full swing. Unfortunately John's hockey season is still on hold at the moment since he broke his collarbone at the end of August. The ironic thing is he did not do it in hockey, but on a bike at an indoor bike/skateboard park in Rye, NH. I was not with him when it happened...I was getting ready to go for a nice quiet adult dinner, when lo and behold the phone rings, with daddy's cell phone number (I knew I shouldn't have answered it!, But I digress)...with 6 dreaded words..."we're on our way home now", followed by, John fell and he thinks he broke his collar bone...the selfish side of me blurted out immediately "Are you kidding me?????" as I could hear the wailing through the phone..a long ride home, followed by a quick trip to local ER, and yep, collarbone is broken, though fortunately not all the way through. We're more than half way through recovery with another xray scheduled on Oct 20 followed by another visit with the sports med ortho...lets hope for good news. He's getting frustrated with only being allowed to skate, but no contact. He's the one with the big yellow vest on the ice that just screams "don't hit me" can imagine how he feels about THAT!