Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of school, 2008

Ok, so everyone survived the first day/week of school...somewhat. Ryan was soooo nervous he actually made himself physically sick. At 4 am he was trying to throw up, but fortunately (for our floor etc), there was nothing in his tummy. In the middle of it, he turned around to say, "Do I have to go to school now?" My reply was " we'll talk about it when its time to wake up." He did wake up and very reluctantly went to his first day of first grade. I tried to make it easier on him by pointing out all his kindergarten friends. His reply to each name was a little quivering "don't care." He marched in with the line with his head down like he was going to some execution. Meanwhile, the other two couldn't get away fast enough..."Have a nice day............." Hmm., no response. I left to go to work and dad had pick up duty. I called to see how Ryan was at pickup and this was the conversation:

Me: How was their first day of school?

Dad: Fine I guess

Me: How was Ryan?

Dad: Fine.

Me: (a little annoyed at this point) How was Ryan when he came out? Was he still upset?

Dad: No, he was fine, he was happy

Of course he was. Dad had the easy assignment, pickup. I had the crappy assignment, drop off.

Fortunately, day 2 went much smoother. After all, who wouldn't be stressed not knowing where their cubby is going to be? Once that is taken care of life is good.

Now, homework?......A whole other world........