Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's only 30 seconds..

We went for a rare dinner out to Bugaboo Creek last night.  Why rare you ask?...spend a day with the boys and you'll understand why these visits are not of the frequent variety, although, they are getting much better about getting along long enough in a public venue so that the dinner field trip can at least be tolerable.  There was the usual statements and disagreements, but overall it went well.  Here is a sampling of the conversations:

Waiter:  drinks for anyone?
Ryan: Pepsi for me
Me:  No, you can have root beer or sprite.
Ryan:  I don't wan't root beer!  I want Pepsi..why can't I have it
Me:  Because of the caffeine and I said so...
Ryan:  Fine....I'll have sprite, but I really want Pepsi

Waiter moves around the table and gets to John
John:  I'll have diet pepsi
Me:  The caffeine affects you more, you're smaller.
The stare down with his arms crossed begins....I win...sort of....he ended up taking Dad's root beer.

The next conversation was a keeper:
Patrick:  Dad, can I have the butter for my bread?  This was said with much effort as the poor kid apparently had a temperature of 101.9 not figured out until we got home and took his temperature.
Just as Dad is about to grab the butter, Ryan whips it away and starts buttering his bread.
Dad:  Ryan, that wasn't nice, Patrick asked for the butter first
Patrick: (with a really big sigh, followed by putting the head down on the table, muttering "I have a headache")  It's ok Dad, its only 30 seconds of my life...I have more seconds to wait for the butter...

Maybe if we all had that calm approach to lifes potholes, people wouldn't always be so damn crabby!