Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ok, I've finally figured out this blog layout thing

It's Saturday, the end of the 2nd week of summer vacation for the boys. They start camp at Thayer Academy on Monday. Monday cannot come soon enough, I will try not to bodily throw them on the bus and jump up and down with glee as the bus pulls away. My poor mother has had to watch them the days that I worked for the past two weeks, and I've never seen her look so frazzled before...she'll probably offer to bring the to the bus out of sheer relief, bet she won't give the bus driver any heads up about them. Oh well, they get paid.

This is my very first blog, and I have spent all of late last night and part of today attempting to put it all together, as I am not a computer whiz. I had absolutely no desire to do any of this until I got an email from a friend telling me about her blog and a link to check out the site, so I did and this is what happened (thanks Abbey!! LOL). I am going to be so kind as to return the favor and have her check out mine....hope she approves!