Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Deep Freeze Tournament in Waterville Valley

Ok, so we survived Patrick's hockey tournament in Waterville Valley, but barely.  Who would've thought a hockey rink is actually warm when the outside temp was -22 degrees?  The kids played well and missed the finals by a measly 1/2 point.  We managed to go tubing at Tenney mountain, but that only lasted about an hour since the temperature was a balmy -15 or so.  Back at the hotel there was just lots to do...ok, maybe Days Inn is not a luxury resort, but they could run up and down the hallways, play knee hockey in the hallways, and even skateboard in the hallways...who needs a four star hotel when you have all that at your fingertips.  Yes, though, I was the mean mother who dragged the kids into the room at 10:30 at night...I was part of a small minority...but I digress.  All and all the kids had a great time...even some of the parents had a really great time.....maybe too great...lots of headaches dragging asses around.  We left on Sunday, the day before MLK day during a snow took 4 hours to get home and we counted 12 cars spun off the road into ditches and that point the novelty of the weekend had worn off and by hour 3 in the car it was a miracle no one got tossed out of a moving vehicle and the best part is we get to do it all over again in February for John's Deep Freeze tournament....must remember the ativan!

Deep Freeze hockey tournament in Waterville Valley, NH Jan 2009