Monday, November 16, 2009

Priceless conversation of the day...

Me: Ry look at the spider on the ceiling..
Ry: Mom, you shoulda seen the bug in had like 30 legs and they were all moving at made me NAUSEOUS!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Crazy Schedule...

Today I have updated by adding 3 slideshows to justify why it's been so long...Ryan recently made his first communion, which went rather smoothly, much to my surprise..the almost only glitch was just before Ry was to go up and read, he turned to me and said, "I'm not going up there and reading", to which my Exorcist head whipped around and said thru gritted teeth, quietly, "do you see these two rows of people for you? Well they came to see you read and you will do it" that point he muttered something unintelligble and went up and read proving once again, scenes from the exorcist really do work.
All in all, the boys are doing very well...marks closed this past Friday and just can't wait to see what the report cards show...It's been a juggle with 6 hockey teams between them, but so far ok..we're in between games at the moment, so I'm sure there is something productive that needs to be done here, so off I go....

Ryan's First Communion 10/25/2009

Pat's first travel game 2009

Ryan's first travel game 2009