Sunday, June 29, 2008

Remind me why I signed on for this parenting gig...

I need to be reminded why I signed on for this whole parenting gig...the day started with an attempt at serene family time at church......ok, whoever said church was supposed to be uplifting and a positive experience has never brought 3 boys with starts off with the very loud x3 protest that begins with "Do we HAVE to go?????...." followed by whining and flinging of selves on to various pieces of furniture for effect....once they've figured out that there is no compromise here, they drag themselves off like they are going to the execution chair. They flop themselves onto a pew where they proceed to alternate between a semi-upright position and total nap position while conversing in a total Irish whisper......I've gotten really good at not leaving any type of tell-tale marks as I whip them into position and ask them please, please, can't you just behave like those QUIET boys 3 rows behind us.....which usually results in a "yeah, ok mom" complete with the eye roll.....should've just stuck with pets.......

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I added a link to your blog so I can check it from mine! So you better keep writing it 'cause I'm keeping an eye on you, haha :)