Friday, July 4, 2008

What We Did on the 4th of July..

The day started out innocent enough...slept past 7 am (major plus for the day), cleaned a few tanks (turtle, fish, bird, geckos....) then schlepped over a wall to the neighbors for a major brawls, meltdowns or otherwise unappealing behavior. The John's (the oldest) cell phone rings and he proceeds to inform me that there are fireworks somewhere down the street according to his friend Shane. I look at him like he's speaking a foreign language and proceed to tell him that's impossible as they are illegal, and if there were any legal ones I surely would have read in the local paper. Now he has the other two going as well as the weekend child I acquire (neighbor) so I agree to drive down and "check this out". Well what do you know, a few streets down they do in fact have a little illegal show going, which surprisingly was rather impressive for non professionals. They almost made it through the whole lot of explosives before the man in blue showed up, and in the spirit of the holiday did not tell them to quit, but rather fininsh them up....everyone was happy, especially since all I heard earlier was "can we go see some fireworks" over and over....time for bed...after some oreos first of course..

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