Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Where's Pics of John???

Ok...so I've been chastised by a certain someone..(moooommmmm!) that there was no new fave photo of John with my new camera...sooo..here is the explanation: He was involved in a bit of a scuffle during the game against Charlestown back on the 12th of Dec..actually he was what they affectionately call in hockey the "third man in". He was coming to the aid of a smaller player that was getting the crap beat out of him...long and short of it he, along with the original kid and another one who jumped in to help all got ejected and suspended. There was some confusion as to just how many games he was suspended, so when I dropped him off at his game on Sun, he wasn't supposed to play, but.....as soon as I got back home he called and told me to come back with his equipment as he could play, and to get back there fast (ummmm...hellooo..red lights????)..so in my haste to grab his equipment and get back there FAST, I neglected to grab the camera. I managed to have his equipment there and helped him dress fast enough that he only missed the first 4 minutes of the game. That being said, his first 10 seconds out on the ice, 1st game post suspension he managed to land his sorry butt in the penalty box....hellooooo...how about UNDER the radar fool????? He does have a game this sunday evening and if he stays out of the naughty box long enough I just may be able to get some neat shots of him....there, ok mom???? LOL

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