Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feel good story...

Today my son John gets credit for the feel good story of the day. His baseball team has been having a rough run of it losing the last 2 or 3 games. Personally he was having a difficult time also, especially with hitting, as the league he moved up to is more difficult than the league he played in last year, much more competitive. He was getting a bit discouraged at times. Well, today the baseball gods must have been smiling on him...he had 2 RBIs with the first one in the 5th inning bringing in the run to tie the game. The second one was much more dramatic. It was the bottom of the 6th, they had last ups. It was still a tie game. There were two outs and John was up next (every mother's nightmare if their kid plays baseball...very stressful). The last pitch was thrown, John swings (I swear to God it was going in slow motion), and it goes past the shortstop for a single to bring in the winning run for the game. I have never seen him look happier than I did today when the whole team crowded him for congratulations....yes I, (and my friend Carla) had misty eyes...Way to go buddy!

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