Monday, February 23, 2009

February Vacation

We survived February vacation unscathed.  The boys spent one day at Rye Airfield indoor skate park, which I am told is the biggest indoor skatepark in the Northeast.  They even managed to make a short video of some of their skateboarding.  We trucked back up to Waterville Valley for another hockey tournament, this time for John.  The road trip did not start out on a positive note, as we got stuck in traffic on I93 behind a 5 car accident.  We left Quincy at 7:20 am for an 11:10 game in Waterville.  We got to Watervill at 11:10.  Fortunately, half the team was stuck in the traffic with us, and also half the team we were playing against was also stuck in this traffic.  John, who was the one to play at 11:10 was of course blaming me...."I told you we should have left earlier"...who would've guessed a two hour trip would turn into a 4 hour trip (kinda like gilligan's island) matter how much I told him that his assistant coach and 4 other players were an exit behind us, he grew more neurotic by the minute...he even put most of his equipment on while on the highway.  Fortunately, we made it as warmups were starting.  Quincy lost that game and I am totally going to blame it on the traffic (doesn't matter that they all looked like slugs out there).  The rest of the weekend was without incident, and they had a blast in the hotel, being able to play manhunt throughout the hotel.  I think the staff and management just closed their eyes.  The trip home was an uneventful under 2 hour Ryan would say, (due to his parochial schooling)...thank the dear lord!

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