Monday, December 22, 2008

Does the sibling rivalry ever end?????

As we are getting into the car tonite (the VERY cold car I might add) to pick up a teammate of John's and drop them off at hockey practice the war begins:
John:  Move Ryan, you have to sit in the back back (after he's all comfortably settled in)
Ryan: No, I don't want to sit in the way back.
John: Too bad, now move
This goes back and forth for a few rounds before I calmly tell Ryan that we can't really have Justin climbing all over the place when we get him.  Ryan finally concedes and I proceed to tell John that he didn't have to be so bossy and mean.  His response was "well he annoys me"  I proceed further and try to explain to John just because he's the first born does not give him the right to boss the younger (especially the youngest) ones around all the time.  At which point Ryan pipes up with "Yeah John it's not all about you" followed by "how would you like to be the youngest for once and get bossed around all the time?"  His response was some sort of gutteral noise, don't think it qualifies for english.  Of course, this whole time Patrick is just focused on his IPOD and had know idea there was even a battle going on...ah, blissfully unaware....he's really good at that. 

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