Monday, December 8, 2008

Between Halloween and Thanksgiving...

Ok, so I admit I have been a tad delinquent in updating my life (after all, they say admitting your problem is the first step) and I could use a million excuses...but what it comes down to is basically there aren't enough hours in the day, enough days in the week, etc., blah, blah, blah.  So here is a summary in as few words as possible.  We survived Halloween after the Lacey tragedy (NOT my favorite holiday to begin with!), after that it was report card time.  Both John and Pat were convinced they were going to bomb at least one subject, they even had me believing it.  But, to my pleasant surprise they all did really well with all A's and B's.  Parent teacher conferences held no big surprises, ie:  all of them are rather chatty at times (wonder where they got that trait???...hmmm), and some ants in the pants at times (now, THAT they did not get from me!), but overall no major behavior issues, and all seemed to be liked by their teachers.  The next big event was Thanksgiving, which was for the most part rather quiet ( a welcome deviation from the norm).  The weather was nice for the holiday weekend and they got to practice their new second favorite activity next to hockey---skateboarding.  Yes, they have discovered the only skate park in Quincy and have managed to sway us to bring them there on numerous occasions--- for HOURS at a time.  Now Patrick has even managed to find an indoor skate park (of course not even remotely close to us) on the web for us to visit over Christmas break...lucky me, which of course will have to be sandwhiched in between tournament games the WHOLE week.  


Abigail said...

Yeah you really need to take this blog thing more seriuosly ;) You coming t the christmas party saturday??

Kathy Quirk said...

I told you...I was verrry bussssy...yes I am going to the party...can't wait to spend some time with you!

Abigail said...

i'm going to bring my camera and post drunk pictures on my blog!