Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yes, it's been a while since I've reported on my oh so interesting life. It's been crazy busy. John and Pat survived the week away at camp, and Ryan enjoyed his week of Kingdom here at the house. He definitely was not thrilled to have to go back to sharing his parents, his home life, especially the all important clicker a matter of fact it only took a record 26 seconds of the three of them being in the same car before the brawling began....gee, so nice to have everybody together again. As a matter of fact the togetherness rolls right into the family vacation......Monday we did the Water Country thing.....THAT was interesting....translation: Double Geronimo anyone?....No matter how much Ryan begged to do it, I held my ground...I mean what sane mother would let their 6 year old go down a 90 degree vertical drop water slide?.....Pat (9) and John (11)....are a whole different story...they're on their own. Later that night while Ryan and I were walking the dogs, out of the blue he declared "Fine I won't go on Geronimo this year, but next year I AM!"......Fine pal, next year you're a year older and a year bigger, be my guest.

When I get my act together I will actually post some pictures from this expedition..

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